2016 Neepawa Mixed Bonspiel


1st Event Winners

Submitted Photos

The Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

The Neepawa Spring Mixed Bonspiel was held Mar. 18-20. The winning team from the first event, sponsored by Neepawa Shop Easy: (L to R) Bernie Ross, Wanda Rainka, Megan Porrok, Shannon Robertson, and Warren Rainka. Second in the event was the Mathew Kulbacki team.

2nd Event Winners

The winners of the second event, sponsored by RBC: (L to R) Kevin Paramor, Sheila Tanner, Neil Turner, Morgan Paramor. Second in the event was the Grant Babcock team.

3rd Event Winners


The winners of the third event, sponsored by AgWest Equipment: (L to R) Chris Jacobsen, Lance Nugent, Brianna Dick, Karla Hackewich, missing is Jason McLaren. Second in the event was the Cam Tibbett team.