Selinger delivers keynote speech at Delhi Sustainable Development Summit


Premier Greg Selinger delivered a keynote address to the Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) 13th annual Delhi Sustainable Development Summit.

"From shrinking polar bear habitats in Manitoba, to extreme weather in Japan, climate change is presenting challenges for many countries and this forum brings leaders from across the world to share their ideas and successes," said Selinger in a release.  "When it comes to food security and storage, building clean, renewable hydro energy and flood management, Manitoba is recognized as a leader."

In his remarks, the premier touched on the themes of:
- flood management;
- food security, storage and processing;
- renewable energy and energy efficiency;
- water quality and the protection of Lake Winnipeg; and
- sustainable development in schools.

After delivering his speech, Selinger joined a panel of elected officials and experts from Bhutan, Japan, the U.S. and Australia, moderated by John Vidal of the Guardian newspaper.

"There is expertise in Manitoba that can give other states and countries a step up in adapting to the challenges of climate change, particularly when it comes to food security, and Manitoba businesses like Westeel are helping lead the way," said Selinger.

Other speakers at the 2013 Delhi Sustainable Development Summit included Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Nobel laureate Carlo Rubbia and former Quebec premier Jean Charest.

Manitoba news release