Right in the centre - Assessing change

By Ken Waddell

The Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

From the outset, I have always said the climate is changing. What I take issue with is the claimed causes of the change and the perceived ability of government to control that change. We should focus on doing what we can, but what little we can do about the change should be balanced by adapting to the change.

Read more: Right in the centre - Assessing change

Thank you – a tribute to the firefighters

Submitted by Jim Cockburn

The Neepawa Press

To the men and women who risk their lives daily to keep our homes and communities safe from the damaging and potentially fatal effects of fire, they deserve a special tribute.

Read more: Thank you – a tribute to the firefighters

Those darn millennials

By Vern May

Submitted Article

These days it seems like the scourge of the workforce is this group of young adults we’ve dubbed millennials. It has become fashionable to gripe about what we elders view as a sense of entitlement. 

Read more: Those darn millennials

Homebodies - How we dress reflects who we are

By Rita Friesen

The Neepawa Banner

To those who know me well, and to those who know me a little, you know that I have an appreciation for clothes.  I don’t believe that clothes make the person, but I do believe that how we dress reflects who we are.

Read more: Homebodies - How we dress reflects who we are

Faithfully yours - Celebrate Jesus – God’s great gift to you

By Neil Strohschein

The Neepawa Banner

The first Sunday of Advent falls on a different day each year. Some years it’s the first Sunday of December. Some years, like this year, it fell on the last Sunday in November.

Read more: Faithfully yours - Celebrate Jesus – God’s great gift to you