Faithfully yours - Lessons from Dallas and Baton Rouge, Part Two

By Neil Strohschein

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In last week’s column, I shared some thoughts on the first of three things that must be present if we are to have a legal system in which everyone is granted equal justice under the law.

Read more: Faithfully yours - Lessons from Dallas and Baton Rouge, Part Two

Right in the centre - War machines of a different sort

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

Watching the world record threshing event on July 31 brought a flood of memories and thoughts to mind. I was only 10 years old or less when the neighbour’s threshing machine was retired. We never owned one and many farmers never did own their own threshing machine. One farmer, or a group of farmers, might have a machine and it would do double duty or more on several farms in a district. Through a small boy’s eyes, these machines were a source of wonder and mystery. They looked huge and for their day, they were big. They were a strange contraption of pulleys, gears, belts and spouts.

Read more: Right in the centre - War machines of a different sort

My perspective - Mind-boggling and maddening

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

With a relatively small population, Manitoba is a province hugely dependant upon trade.  Whether it’s our crops, livestock or manufactured goods, much of what is produced here is sold outside our borders. Not only that, but much of what we purchase originates from elsewhere.

Read more: My perspective - Mind-boggling and maddening

Homebodies - Finding my way around...

By Rita Friesen

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It’s an adventure, finding my way around a new home. It’s no secret that I am in the kitchen only because one must eat to live, not a fun or happy place for me to be. I am using a stove fancier than I ever thought I would own. Self-cleaning. That should eliminate the fun game of putting out an oven fire. A game at which I have become adept, especially in pie baking season. Don’t believe I shall miss it, though! The fridge that I saw as too big, well, one third is a freezer and so the fridge part is actually smaller than what I am used to. That’s a good thing, most times that appliance is echo empty, causing my caring grandchild to tsk me. “What are you eating?” Only answer for that is – take a look at me, I am not fading away!

Read more: Homebodies - Finding my way around...

Observation July 29, 2016

By Addy Oberlin

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As long as I can remember, we had pets in our home and they were part of the family. It taught me to have a love for animals. When my family was growing up, we had a variety of animals from gerbils to birds to cats, dogs and fish. Sometimes, we had to search the house to find a pet who had gone into hiding somewhere. 

Read more: Observation July 29, 2016