The wife takes a turn - Truth, reality and perspective


By Christine Waddell

Neepawa Banner & Press

There is always more to a story than can be told. Political correctness has created a society that cannot handle “truth”, so many want to create their own truth. In spite of the observation that perspective is reality, perspective is not truth.

We can tell our own journey from our perspective and trust it is not skewed.

Ken’s Journey:

Our health care system is a wonderful gift. Neepawa and area has a medical team from top to bottom that is marvellous. I’m talking from the most experienced doctors, to the staff that makes sure there is toilet paper in the washrooms and sanitizer at each door, to drivers who transfer samples from our excellent lab and x-ray for further diagnostics in Brandon.

The journey:

Ken Waddell was feeling “off” back in August. There were CT scans and ultrasounds which ultimately showed a shadow on the tip of the kidney.

What is it? Further diagnosis in Brandon, including a biopsy, found it to be precancerous and Dr. Poettcker involved a specialist/surgeon at St. Boniface Hospital. Removal of the growth was recommended and the plan was to keep the kidney, if possible.

All consultations with specialists were done by phone in a timely fashion. Surgery date was to be determined, probably in the first couple of weeks of December.

During this time, the farthest travel had been to Brandon, we did not have to pay one cent (or should I say one nickel?). Presented your medical card and answered the COVID-19 screening questions.

On Nov. 17, a phone call came from specialist, Dr. Drachenberg, “There is a surgery date available Nov. 27, 7:45 a.m. Do you want to take that opportunity?” 

After a quick family/staff consult, the answer: “Yes!” Who knew what could happen while waiting for the December date, which wasn’t even confirmed?

From there, it was a whirlwind.

• Nov. 25: to Winnipeg. Stay at Norwood Hotel, two long blocks from St. Boniface Hospital.

• Nov. 26: begin fasting and prep for surgery. Walk to St. B. COVID-19 rapid testing site, in and out and back at hotel in under 45 minutes. 

• Nov. 27: 6:30 a.m. delivery of patient to front door of St. B.

• Nov 27: 10 a.m call from surgeon; everything went well, patient in recovery, kidney intact, spherical growth removed, appears benign and all is well.

• Nov. 28: I, the wife, drive home; Winnipeg son will deliver patient to Neepawa when he is released.

There is lots to tell of the stay in St. B., but it is Ken’s narrative, not mine.

NOTE: Through all this, we had the most beautiful weather in years, no ice, no cold and little traffic (thanks to COVID-19).

So why do I begin this little epistle with the statement about “truth, reality and perspective”? Our western culture and 24/7 access to news and “views” has created a fearful, hand-wringing society. A people who have no respect for authority and no idea about right and wrong because we can create our own reality. Count your blessings folks, take a deep breath, go for a walk. There is truth and God is real, whether you believe in Him or not. He loves you and has given you free will. Choose His gift or choose the consequences. As for me and my house, we trust the LORD.

Disclaimer: Christine Waddell is a guest columnist for this week’s edition of Right in the Centre. The views expressed in this column are the writer’s own and are not to be taken as being that of the Banner & Press staff.