Observation July 8, 2016


By Addy Oberlin

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School is out! It is strange not to hear the children playing on the school’s playground. The parking lot at the high school is empty. Graduations have taken place.

I had the privilege to go to the high school graduation. Even my husband, who relies on the handi-van to travel, was able to attend our grandson’s ceremony and banquet. The gymnasium was packed and it was so impressive to see the young people march. Many received awards, bursaries and scholarships. It is wonderful to see individuals and organizations in our valley support the students and encourage them. The theme for the 2016 graduation was “Soaring Free.” The birds on the picture were flying free and high. 

Being a grandparent, this made me think of the beautiful hymn by Albert E. Brumley: “I’ll fly away, Oh glory, I’ll fly away… to a land where joys shall never end.” 

Whatever the future holds and wherever you will go “Take the name of Jesus with you, It will joy and comfort give you” (Lydia Baxter).

Wishing all the graduates a bright future.