Homebodies - The loving hands of the divine still surround me


By Rita Friesen

Lifting a quote from the back of Sunday’s worship service bulletin – “Today we celebrate the last Sunday of the year 2014. It is a time to look back. It is a time to put the things of the past away...It is a time to look forward. It is a time to anticipate the unknown future ahead. Such a dissonant chorus: one humming for the year that has passed, the other shouting for joy for the year ahead!”

The beginning of a new year has always been an adventure to me. Never before, though, has it been such a dissonant chorus. It is a time to look back. Way back. That is the easy part.

 I can discern the protective hand of the Divine, at times protecting, at times guiding and at other times chastising. But always, the loving hands of my Creator surrounding me. I have been loved by family and friends, at times and in some places cherished! I have been granted the privilege of visiting far and intriguing places. I have been granted the wisdom to see the beauty and the wonder of the here and now, the coloured drifts of snow, the mystery of hoarfrost, the dancing Northern Lights, the changing hues of fall, the crisp bite of an apple. The list of little wonders is endless! So looking back is easy, and rewarding. 

“It is a time to anticipate the unknown future ahead.” Anticipate is a rather strong word. I am attempting to embrace it! For me, as for many, it is easier to be optimistic when the sun shines. Knowing that we have officially passed the shortest day encourages me. That knowledge needs to seep from my head to my heart! So more sunshine, and moderate temperatures, may entrap me with the vision of staying in “my” home for another few years. I don’t envision my family rejoicing if that is my call. Accepting, perhaps. 

Logic dictates that I and my dogs find a smaller, more compact home. In my dreams I see a tidy two bedroom, one bathroom, finished basement and fenced, or fencable, back yard. Doing rough math, never my strong point, I could enjoy another 20 years in a house, rather than a condo or apartment. That farm girl, “I can do it” mentality is probably stronger than my abilities!

“One humming for the year that has passed.” Humming, to me, has always signified contentment. Ed began each and every day with self made music, sometimes whistling, sometimes singing, sometimes humming. I miss that. It meant that all was right in my world. My whistling is shallow, my singing off key and so it is humming. A tuneless drone? I can hum for the year that has passed. And I shall practice my shouting for joy. The loving hands of the Divine still surround me.