Observation - Apr. 20, 2018


By Addy Oberlin

Neepawa Banner & Press

This past week we heard a lot about people able to hack in to our Facebook. We are warned to do this and not to do that.

I use my facebook messenger every day. That is how I keep in touch with my family and friends. Even my overseas relatives are up to date of what is going on with me and I know how they are doing. It is like a lifeline when I need to talk to my children who all live two or three provinces away. When travelling it is always good to know where someone is or when a need arises and we can text one another. It is communication in the best way between family members and friends.

For some real lifeline talks though I refer to my Bible where I can find all my answers for today, the next day and the future. There will be no hacking because it is a personal relationship with a Holy God. 1 Peter 5:7 tells us to “cast all your anxiety on Him for He cares for you.”