Observation - January 12, 2018


Addy Oberlin
Neepawa Banner & Press

We’re starting our second week in January. The regular routine is back. Kids have gone back to school, colleges and universities started up again for another semester. Another holiday is finished.

For some of us it is good to be back into a routine, others might be looking forward to a trip to a country with a warmer climate. My daughter came to visit me from Alberta and at one point the thermometer in her car read -40 C. There is very cold weather most everywhere in this country and it is so much easier to complain than to count our blessings when it is this cold.

When I count my blessings I recall how again this year the Lord is providing my every need and even beyond my expectations. The Lord promises to provide our every need like it says in Mathew 6:32 “…..your Heavenly Father knoweth that you have need of all these things.”

We have to let the Lord have His way in our life each new day to know that our needs will be met.