Faithfully Yours - The silver lining in this chaotic cloud


Neil Strohschein
Neepawa Banner & Press

The war of words between US President Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un, the Supreme Leader of North Korea just doesn’t seem to want to end. And as each new volley in this war is fired, our world inches closer to the brink of a full-blown crisis that could lead to nuclear war. Although these two men are at opposite ends of the political see-saw, they are eerily the same. Trump believes that the United States has enough military might to totally obliterate North Korea if they ever fire a nuclear equipped missile in his direction.

Is he right? He may well be, but he cannot authorize any act of war without first getting the approval of Congress. So we can be pretty sure that he won’t strike until he is sure he has the backing of the people’s representatives.

Kim Jong Un is the third generation of the Kim family to hold power in North Korea. His rise to power in NK has come with its share of questions and controversy. He was a virtual unknown up until the death of his father, Kim Jong Il. Then he appeared centre stage as his father’s successor. In his world, Kim Jong Un has ultimate authority. The people of North Korea are expected to give their Supreme Leader the same devotion, honour and worship that people of faith give to Almighty God. Severe consequences await those who question or defy his authority.

Now, let’s be clear about one thing. Any person in a position of authority can develop an overly inflated view of his or her own significance. It happens all the time. But in most companies and communities, leaders must answer to a governing board, a council, legislature, law court or some other form of higher authority. At least, that’s how it’s supposed to be.

But in some countries of our world, the Head of Government is the final authority. Legislatures, if they exist at all, simply “rubber stamp” the decrees of the individuals in power. They answer to no one—to no one on earth, that is. But there is one person to whom all political, business, social and religious leaders are accountable now and before whom all will stand one day to be judged for the things they have done, are doing and will yet do.

World history is filled with stories of people who, when elevated to positions of absolute power, believed themselves to be gods and demanded the full allegiance and worship of their people. Egyptian pharaohs, at least one Babylonian king, some Roman emperors and despots like Hitler, Mussolini and others all fall into this category. So, it could be argued, did some religious leaders whose scandalous actions ultimately lead to their demise.

They all suffered the same fate. The God of heaven took note of everything they did and just when things could have gotten out of hand, he stepped into history, deposed the despot and allowed another leader to assume power.

We should all be concerned as we witness the escalating war of words between Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un. But we need not be afraid. God is in control. He has his people on the ground in positions of authority, ready to intervene should things get out of hand. That’s the silver lining in this chaotic cloud.

As people of faith, we are called to pray for peace in our world, to live in peace with our neighbours and to do what we can to help bring peace to our nation and our world.