Observation - June 9, 2017


Addy Oberlin
The Neepawa Banner

When I looked out the window I saw something glittering in the sunshine, more than a block from where I was sitting. The wind made it turn about, but whenever the sun hit a certain spot there was this spontaneous outburst of light.

I was tempted to go and see what was causing this sparkle. We can sparkle too when we have a happy day, I thought.
The next morning I did not see any reflections, but the sun was not shining either. It looked somber outside. Just like we sometimes feel when we do not have a good day. It was not until the afternoon that the sun came through and the glistering was back. 
It reminded me much of the children’s hymn we often sing in the care home about this little light of mine, let us shine ….. you in your small corner and I in mine.
Paul tells us in Philippians 2:15 that we live in a crooked world but we need to appear as lights in this world, “holding fast the Word of Life” (verse 16). Let us shine …..