Observation - June 2, 2017


Addy Oberlin
The Neepawa Banner

What are our expectations for this week? Are we waiting for some special good news or maybe dreading the phone call and hearing some bad news? For the farmers the expectations are for nice sunny weather, perfectly working machinery and safety while trying to get the crop in.

For the children the last month of school is just starting and they are expecting a wonderful holiday, soon to come. The elderly expect to receive some visitors, which will delight their day or maybe a special activity that they can look forward to.

What about you and me? I expect to be able to do things that the Lord expects me to accomplish this week with the strength that He will provide.

A friend gave me a poster with the saying “The Lord will continually guide you (Isaiah 58:11).” This is not only my expectation, but I know it is the truth and it helps us getting through each week, if we but let the Lord have His way.