Faithfully Yours - A gift that keeps on giving


By Neil Strohschein

Many years ago, a recently retired minister shared this advice with a group of senior seminarians. “The greatest gift a dad can give his children,” he said, “is to love their mom. And the greatest gift a mom can give her children is to love their dad.” There is much wisdom in those words.

They came to mind this past week again, as I was reflecting on the Christmas story. As a kid, I loved to read the story of Mary and Joseph, the baby in the manger and the visits by the shepherds and Magi. The story had an aura of mystery and magic about it.

As I got older, that aura was replaced with a realistic view of the challenges Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus faced; and a profound appreciation for deep love Mary and Joseph had for each other. Their marriage got off to a rocky start.

In those days, marriages were often arranged by the couple’s parents. After a formal engagement ceremony, the bride and groom each returned to their respective homes. The groom would build a house for his bride, hire a caterer and buy enough food and wine for a 7-day wedding feast. The bride would collect all the things she needed to set up housekeeping and care for the children she and her husband would have. Mary’s pregnancy changed everything.

Joseph’s initial thought was to cut his losses and run; but a visit from God’s messenger angel changed his mind; and Joseph assumed the responsibilities of step-father and mentor to none other than God’s only begotten son, Jesus the Messiah. 

Little did Joseph realize how radically his life would change.Less than a week before Mary was due to give birth, Emperor Augustus ordered a census of the whole Roman empire. Joseph and Mary had to go to Bethlehem to register for the census. It was a four-day journey on donkey-back for Mary. They arrived just in time for Jesus to be born.

His birth wasn’t in their home surrounded by family and friends. Jesus was born in a cave used to house cattle and sheep; with the only witness being his heavenly father. Roughly a year later, Joseph learned that Herod the king had put out a contract on the child Jesus. So he and Mary packed up the few things they have and made their way south—to exile in Egypt. We don’t know how long they stayed; but we do know that when they left Egypt, they settled in Nazareth. That is where Jesus lived until, at the age of 30, he began his public ministry.

Mary and Joseph went through more in their first three to five years of marriage than most couples go through in a life time. Their faith made their marriage strong enough to stand these tests.They knew that God would watch over them to ensure that nothing happened to his son; and that he would warn them if they were in any danger. But they had to do their part. They had to listen to the warnings they received and act on them immediately; which is what they did.

Today’s parents can learn a lot from Mary and Joseph. Your love for each other and your devotion to God will have a lasting impact on your children. They will learn to love their partners and kids by seeing how you love each other and them. They will feel the impact of this gift that keeps on giving long after you have died.