Looking back - 1958: Choosing winners a challenge for Lions’ Hallowe’en judges


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Photo courtesy of the Banner & Press Archives

Costume contest winners in the grade 2 class were Beverly Murray, Hawaiian; Colleen Cram, Purple People Eater; and Lynn McLelland, pumpkin. -1958

By Cassandra Wehrhahn

Neepawa Banner & Press

110 years ago,


November 3, 1908

Winnipeg ladies are forming a curling club.

A steamship service is to be established on the Pacific next year between Prince Rupert and the Orient, by the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway company.

Suffragettes created such disturbance in the British House of Commons on Wednesday night last that the members became alarmed lest bombs might be thrown.

A mutinous outbreak in the Turkish army was suppressed with some loss of life.

A Jew living in Altendorf, Hungary, is said to be one hundred and twenty years old while his wife is one hundred and two. Both are in excellent health.

100 years ago,


November 1, 1918

The health officer has taken the precaution against the flu to quarantine Riding Mountain.

Wm. Cation and D.J. Watson were busy canvassing for Victory Bonds this week.

It is understood that soldiers home on harvest leave will not have to report for duty this week owing to the Spanish Influenza in Winnipeg.

Schools and churches in this municipality [Arden] are all closed until Nov. 11 as a safeguard to the influenza epidemic.

Ludendorff has resigned.

Germany is said to be short of gasoline.

Finland is over-run with Russian refugees.

Turkey has surrendered unconditionally.

Keruk (Mesopotamia) has been taken by the British.

Manitoba is reported to have about 2,500 cases of Spanish influenza.

The Kaiser assures Germans they shall be the freest people on earth.

Revolution has begun in Montenegro and Austrians are evacuating.

The Canadian patrol steamer Galiano is believed to have been lost on the Pacific Coast.

Austrian soldiers are hustling out of Italy as fast as they can, but the dagos have caught 30,000 in a week.

How repentant the German people are may be gathered from refusal of the Reichstag to discuss President Wilson’s note.

Two weeks fighting in Belgium resulted in over 18,000 German soldiers, 500 cannons and 12,000 machine guns being captured.

The allies war council has prepared armistice and peace terms for the Kaiser, which will probably be communicated concurrently with the elimination of Austria as well as Turkey from the fighting.

Teddy Roosevelt is after President Wilson’s scalp— and may get it. Here is a bit of the ridicule hurled at the President: “Here’s to our Czar; last in war, first toward peace; long may he waver.”

Thernton Baxter, of Neepawa, was again reported wounded this week.

N.L. Dring was amongst the Canadian casualties published yesterday— killed in action.

Next to the Kaiser, the most despicable criminals on this earth are Lenin and Trotzky. The war will not be over until they get theirs.

90 years ago,


November 2, 1928

Quebec has 10,000 miles of improved roads.

It has been discovered that a Spanish monk of the 17th century wrote a book in which he envisioned the future of the airplane.

80 years ago,


November 1, 1938

Nazi pressure to force Jews out of business and out of Germany is steadily becoming heavier.

Hungary and Czechoslovakia have agreed to let Germany and Italy mediate their territorial dispute.

Dancing to swing music causes thick ankles and sluggish minds according to an eminent American Osteopath.

Germany now demands the return of all her colonies, without exception, taken from her by the Versailles treaty.

Germany has been granted a railway corridor across Czechoslovakia from Silesia to Austria without passport or customs control.

Earl Stanhope has been appointed first Lord of the Admiralty to succeed Alfred Duff Cooper who resigned his post in the Chamberlain government after the recent crisis.

Japan has called in one-sen copper coins and put aluminum coins in circulation in their stead. This will permit an annual saving of 900 tons of copper, which the army needs.

Premier Daladier of France expressed hope last week of a French understanding with Germany and Italy, but told the nation her future security lay largely in development of her colonial empire. He attacked French Communists for “sabotage” of the government’s efforts.

70 years ago,

November, 1948

More than 300 boys and girls in costumes attended the Neepawa Lions Club Hallowe’en Party. A highlight of this year’s show was the monster parade led by the Lions Club Band, organized under bandmaster Vern Johnson.

60 years ago,


November 4, 1958

Large numbers of attractive costumes made choosing winners a difficult problem for the judges at the Lions’ Hallowe’en Party Friday night.

50 years ago,


November 1, 1968

The folks out at Agassiz Drive-In had an embarrassing experience last week when they discovered salt had been used instead of sugar to make syrup for ice cream topping. Yech!

40 years ago,


November 2, 1978

Approximately 70 persons attended the Genetics Seminar held at East View Lodge on Thursday, Oct. 26. The one-day course featured Dr. Jane Evans, Dr. Diane Thompson and Dr. Alasdair Hunter, all of the Health Sciences Centre in Winnipeg. The topics centered on types of genetic diseases and chromosomal diseases, how we inherit, an approach to diagnosis, prenatal diagnosis and genetic counseling.

30 years ago,


November 1, 1988

In 1985, we bought just under $2.7 billion worth of tickets for government-sponsored lotteries, up from $485 million in 1976. Ticket sales for such lotteries have moved steadily upward since 1969, when they were made legal after some 70 years under a Criminal Code ban.

20 years ago,


November 2, 1998

Nine new donors turned out for the Canadian Blood Services first blood donor clinic in Neepawa last month.

In total, 178 people donated blood during the day-long clinic.

Canadian Blood Services now handles the nation’s blood services in place of the Red Cross.

Editor’s note: No date could be gatherer for the 1948 section.