Homebodies - First World problems….


Rita Friesen
Neepawa Banner & Press

Unfortunately, a pair of my black leather dress gloves went AWOL. I know from where they disappeared. Now, alas, I have to wear my brown leather dress gloves with my black boots. I know how very petty that sounds even as I write it. But I want black gloves with black boots. I have almost always had black gloves with black boots. See how very deep my problem is? And I know it is a first world problem.  There are many even in this first world country in which I live that do not have any gloves to go with any boots. In Third World countries the situation is often dire to the point of little or no clothing or clothing choices.

Evening comes and with the dark comes the munchies. I have the choice to eat healthy, fruits, nuts, raisin, vegetables or yogurt – sometimes all of the above- or slip away from the healthy to the almost healthy like popcorn, or go decadent with chocolate, ice cream, pop and candy- and there are times when I over indulge here as well! Food choices are troublesome all day long, when to eat and where to eat and what to eat. Again, a first world country dilemma, recognizing that within our world of privilege there are too many who go to school hungry, who go to bed hungry, who worry about the next meal for their family. Again, in some Third World countries the situation is dire to the point of little or no food.

The water as it comes from the tap has a slight odor and a bit of an off taste. Leaving a pitcher on the counter overnight dissipates both the smell and the taste. Easily done. There was a time when I did purchase water, and I have no odds with those that do. For me, now, it is important that as few items as possible hit the re-cycling container. I tap my foot a bit impatiently as I wait for the water to run hot in the bathroom, twenty feet from the hot water tank. Major first world problems! Water has a taste and I wait three minutes for hot water. I know! And in many Third World countries have clean drinking water is a dream. While I debate whether it would be better to have tea, coffee, milk, pop or juice.

There are many times in a day when I stop myself with the knowledge that my complaint is frivolous and uncalled for. They stem from a position of privilege. I acknowledge that I am white, educated, self-sufficient, competent and able. I am blessed. Some of these gifts I worked for, worked hard for, and others came by circumstance. With this awareness, I strive to also be aware of the ways, and times, I can share my blessings with others. I am a product of a First World country. Many are not.