Breakfast of Champions




Back row, from left: Brad Walker, Beautiful Plains Community Foundation board chair, presented the donation to coaches Landon Cameron and Matt Lowry.



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This year, the Beautiful Plains Community Foundation provided $700 in support to the Breakfast Club, a volunteer run hockey skills development program for Neepawa-area children. 

For the last seven years, starting in November, the program runs every Wednesday morning, for 45 minutes, starting at 7:15 am. Out on the ice, the kids practice individual drills and shots on goal, under the direction of volunteer coaches Landon Cameron and Matt Lowry and with the help of the Neepawa Natives.

Following their time on the ice, the kids eat a hot breakfast prepared by volunteers, before heading off to school. The program aims to be inclusive, with players from the bantam and high school levels, to the Novices and HIPS-- all players registered in Neepawa are welcome to attend. About 18 to 24 kids, aged 5 to 15, participate each week.

The donation will help cover the program’s food cost and allow organizers to reduce the $5 drop in fee, making it less expensive for children to attend. This fee reduction will be especially helpful for parents with multiple children who would like to participate in order to improve their skills and confidence.