Council clips Riverdale Municipality


Town Council
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Riverdale Municipality, Nov. 21: Peter Tines discussed the development at Paradise Valley; Riverdale will contact RM of Elton to discuss options/probability of extending the waterline to Paradise Valley. Sacred Acres Inc. provided notification of a permit application to produce medical marijuana in Riverdale. Rivers Collegiate requested a donation to host Manitoba High School Athletic Association’s provincial volleyball competition.

Council received 50/50 funding under the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund for lagoon construction; it is in the municipality’s best interest to move forward to meet the construction deadline of March 2019; council appointed G.D Newton & Associates inc. to act as project manager; council will move forward with a borrowing bylaw for the project. Riverdale requires a review to provide insight on improving efficiencies and determining whether staffing resources/compensation levels match council’s desires and the service level expectations of each department moving forward; HMC Management will provide an organizational review. Councillor Ian Dyer attended a soy bean meeting in Brandon; projections for jobs, infrastructure and tax revenue were discussed.

Finances: Accounts of $948,217.28 and utilities of $29,464.84 were passed for payment. A tile drainage policy was adopted; the application fee is $100. Council agreed to the terms in the 2017-18 Snow Removal Agreement: a rate of $61.42 per centimetre as submitted by Manitoba Infrastructure.