Local history examined by Gladstone author


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This is the cover of Kelvin Bueckert's new book titled "Life in our town."

Neepawa Banner & Press

A Gladstone authors latest book was inspired by local history. Life in Our Town by Kelvin Bueckert, is a compilation of historical novellas set on the plains of Manitoba, Canada. In a press release announcing his book, Bueckert noted that it not only features three entertaining novellas, but it also contains photographs and clippings relevant to the stories included.

“I started out on this adventure while researching some original plays,” said Bueckert. “The stories I heard and read were more interesting than I thought they’d be. For example, did you know that Gladstone residents once thought they had hit it big with oil? I didn’t, but it’s true. As it turned out, the oil strike wasn’t quite what they imagined. Still, these tidbits make for interesting stories. People think local history is boring, but when you start looking at it a little more closely, you find out, that is just not the case. Anyway, I had this stuff on my brain and in my computer, so, I thought, why not release a book? So, that’s what I did.” The book is available in both eBook and paperback formats. Additional information on the author can be found at his website, www.kelvinbueckert.com.



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Profile photo of Kelvin Bueckert.