Lily Daze draws visitors from afar



Kate Jackman - Atkinson
The Neepawa Press

Last month, lily lovers once again descended on Neepawa. From July 17 to 23, the Lily Nook hosted their annual Lily Daze, which offered the chance to not only enjoy the gardens and growing fields but also hosted the Manitoba Lily Society’s annual show.

Nigel Strohman, of the Lily Nook, said that the event went well, attracting visitors from not only Manitoba, but also Saskatchewan and Alberta. He added that attendance was up from last year and while there was some variation day to day, he estimates that each day, about 500 people came to the farm, located south of Neepawa.

For Strohman one of the highlights of the week was talking to the visitors who came. 
He noted that many commented about how well the grounds looked. “It makes you feel good,” he said, adding that a lot of work goes into the gardens and growing fields.
While the provincial lily show was a staple of the Neepawa Lily Festival, this year was the first time it had returned to Neepawa since the festival ended.  The judging took place Saturday and Sunday and attracted entries from across the province, including some local lily entries.

While the lily season is winding down, Strohman said they will be open about another week and with the flowers blooming a bit later this year, there are still lots of flowers currently in bloom.  As for Lily Daze, Strohman said they are planning to host it again next year.