Rural Council Clips - July 10, 2017



The Rivers Banner

LUD of Rapid City, June 12: Minutes from the April 3 meeting were adopted. The service plan, as amended, to provide the following: door-to-door household garbage pick-up, sidewalk repairs, street lighting, beautification, a portion of town foreman wages, dust control, street improvements/snow removal, hiring summer students, drainage, animal control, urban renewal; throughout the entire LUD; a rate of $70 to be levied on all residences/businesses. The LUD recommends to main council to replace a headstone that was damaged by maintenance staff.  Administrator Bonnie Wright will be working out of the Oak River office on Thursdays. Work started on the beach today, black dirt and sand was moved, sod is to arrive on Wednesday. The next meeting is at the call of the chair. 

Riverdale Municipality, June 20: Councillor Ken Tait began discussion on having an electronic waste day; more information will be obtained. Mayor Todd Gill reported on a drainage meeting held in Hamiota. The group decided to have two council representatives from each municipality form a drainage task force; appointed to the same were Gill and Dave Falkevitch. An inventory of culverts will be taken to determine how to effectively drain without negatively impacting land owners downstream. Landscape work is being done on west side of the civic centre. 

Accounts of $204,355.54 and utility of $10,287.32 were passed for payment. A cemetery administration program from Munisoft at a cost of $1,402.92 will be be funded by Rivers Cemetery Trust. Connor English was awarded the municipality’s citizenship award of $200; Jordan Vander Velde was awarded  the municipality’s $100 scholarship for highest mark in essential math 40S; Kaysi Dziver was awarded  the municipality’s $100 scholarship for highest mark in biology 40S.

LUD of Oak River, June 22: Minutes from the second meeting (April 4) were adopted. Grants were approved and three students were hired. Crack filling was completed in May on certain streets. Some gravel was applied on certain streets before dust control on June 8. Committee member David Bullock reported on information received and options that may be available to improve the drainage concerns between Co-op and EDR. A concern with a barking dog and cats were discussed; the animal control officer has enforced the bylaw a few times; cat owners are to be reminded to have collars on their pets. A billing error from Oak River utility has been corrected; a security camera has been installed at the water treatment plant. Flowers were purchased from Oak River Colony; Ann Rothnie and the CAO Diane Kuculym volunteered to plant the large planters. The tax sale property has been levelled and grass seed planted. The condition of trees on certain lots was brought to the attention of the committee. Concerns with MTS cell and Internet service were discussed. The next meeting is at the call of the chair. 

RM of Oakview, June 26: The Roads and Drainage Committee reported on a meeting with contractors to review two projects to be completed in Ward 2. A hole in the pavement in Cardale and its repair options were discussed. The former recycling shed in Rapid City was demolished; a request to relocate the recycling containers was heard. Councillor Walt Froese reported on the L.U.D. of Oak River meeting he attended on June 22. An engineer has been requested to provide a report on the  Cardale Lakes. Rapid City Beach & Reservoir Committee has completed its project; a grant is to be applied for by office staff. Midwest Planning District was contacted regarding the enforcement of the property standards bylaw; the condition of a former church in Rapid City was discussed. Administrative assistant Holly Brown has completed her six-month probation period; therefore, council agreed to increase her wages retroactive to  June 1. More picnic tables are to be made for Rapid City. An inquiry regarding the use of a well on on an undeveloped road allowance was tabled. Accounts of $83,119.58 and unpaid invoices of $58,493.27 were passed for payment. The next meeting is July 11 at 9 a.m.