Plumas UCW prepares for mother's day tea



Plumas UCW

Six members were present for our meeting, reporting 12 visits made to those sick or shut in. Thanks were expressed to those who convened, worked at, donated to the Soup and Bun supper. Also thanks to Gwen for working the door and to Clair for setting up the tables.

Regarding the World Day of Prayer, $150 was sent to the committee; Marina Privee has returned the cheque for the moneys for her purchases for the lunch. Wendy was reimbursed $146.90 for the garden ornament given to Marina Privee. Thanks to those who donated to the Easter breakfast, and to the men who cooked for us. Thanks to the conveners who will be organizing the funeral lunch for the late Roman Cymbalist, to the workers and donators. Thanks also to those who will be helping at the Mother's Day Tea and Bake Sale, May 13.

Regarding the Let No One Be Alone community event, we will again be preparing the salads. 

Correspondence included a newsletter from the Leprosy Mission and news from Stride CU that a term had reached maturity.

Treasurer Laurel/Laura gave the present report.

Under new business we discussed the upcoming Mother's Day Tea and Bake Sale – May 13 starting at 11:30 am. Fancy sandwiches will be made at 1:00 pm on the 12 May. 

May 21 – Wendy and Norma will be in charge of a funeral lunch for the late Randy Begalke.

A motion was carried that we make our annual donation to M&S of $400.00 to the church M&S.

Pollyanna reported on the months activity with a balance of $71.75. Gwen expressed thanks for the card and plant they were presented with on Easter Sunday.

Adjournment and the Mizpah benediction closed the meeting. Upcoming events:

• Mother's Day Tea and Bake Sale – May 13 – 11:30 am

• Next meeting – May 18 – 7:00 pm

• R. Begalke funeral lunch – May 21