Club offers exciting opportunity for kids


By Miranda Leybourne
The Neepawa Banner

Spring is a time for children to enjoy playing outside after a long winter, a time when they can enjoy various sporting and outdoor activities. Now, young people with an adventurous streak can learn how to mountain bike thanks to the Dirt Squirts/Kids of Mud program put on by Prairie Mountain Cycling and the Manitoba Cycling Association. 

Tim Frykoda, with Prairie Mountain Cycling, says that through initiatives like Dirt Squirts/Kids of Mud, Prairie Mountain Cycling hopes to promote an active lifestyle in young people.

“Our members have a passion to foster interest in cycling within the community, especially children and youth,” he says. “In 2014, with no kids bike clubs available on this side of the province outside of Winnipeg or Portage, we felt there was a need for a youth cycling program in our area. As a result, we took necessary steps to obtain certification from Manitoba Cycling Association and have successfully delivered the Minnedosa Dirt Squirts – Kids of Mud program and have just begun our third season.”

The program typically runs from mid-April -- if the weather has been warm enough -- to mid June. They meet at the River’s Edge Bike Park, located near Tanner’s Crossing School in Minnedosa, and sometimes on trails located behind the Minnedosa Fairgrounds. The program is open for children ages five to 16, and according to Frykoda, offers them a chance to experience the excitement of mountain biking.

“It gets kids on their bikes and learning the basic skills they need to hit the trails safely and with confidence. Developing this lifelong skill provides kids access to the healthy benefits of an activity they can enjoy throughout their lives,” he proclaims. “The program is set up so that kids can progress into higher cycling levels within Manitoba’s athlete development program if they choose, but the main focus is to have fun.”

Frykoda goes on to say that participants in the program have the opportunity to take part in provincial mountain bike races sanctioned by the Manitoba Cycling Association. The group has participated in races in the Brandon Hills and the Birch Ski Area south of Portage la Prairie in the past. 

To take part in the Dirt Squirts/Kids of Mud program, each child must have a functional bike -- Frykoda recommends a mountain bike style --  and a properly fitting helmet. Registration cost is around $100 and includes insurance. To register, contact Prairie Mountain Cycling at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . 

Kids of Mud-online

The Kids of Mud/Dirt Squirts mountain biking program is in its third year in Minnedosa. (submitted photo)