Rural council clips - Apr. 3, 2017



LUD  of Rapid City, March 13: Minutes from the last meeting, Dec. 14 were adopted. The animal control bylaw was reviewed; suggestions will be passed on to RM of Oakview; the LUD recommend Oakview purchase a dog kennel. Recycling pickup has been changed from Thursday to Tuesday. Councillor indemnity will be $150 per month, which includes one meeting; special LUD meetings to be charged at $18 per hour; committee meetings are $40 per meeting; mileage will be reimbursed at the provincial rate (47 cents) while travelling on municipal business. The next meeting is at the call of the chair.

RM of Oakview, March 14: Councillor Neil Wilson reported on the March 13 LUD of Rapid City meeting; property for sale in Rapid City, weed control, demolition of the former recycling building and promoting the town were discussed. CAO Diane Kuculym will contact the building inspector in regards to the proposed demolition. Councillor Gavin Reynolds indicated a meeting is being set up with Cancade Restoration in regards to the Rapid City rink insurance claim. There were some concerns with the Oak River grader/snow plough after the blizzard, which slowed down the ability of public works staff to clear snow as soon as they normally would have; the issue has been repaired by Toromont Cat.  A bylaw to cancel authorized borrowing for a municipal shed (Bylaw 2014-2) passed third reading. Council acknowledged with regret, the resignation of Chris Skayman as joint EMO co-ordinator for Oakview/Hamiota; the joint hiring of a new co-ordinator will be discussed with Hamiota. An inquiry if a perpetual care fund could be set up for Upland Cemetery was discussed; council did not think it would be feasible at this time. Bills received for contract work for Rapid City Utility were reviewed. Funding was approved for Rapid City’s lagoon environmental study. Lamb Construction was hired to replace valves on Rapid City water lines to help isolate the leak, and to repair the leak if it is found. Staff were authorized to hire private contractors to push back/clear snow in certain areas of the municipality after the March 6-8 blizzard. Quotes for self-contained pressure washers for spring culvert clearing were reviewed; a list of contractors who have equipment to thaw frozen culverts is to be obtained. Proposed work to be done from Hwy. 16 from Hwy. 250 south junction to Hwy. 10 was noted. 

A dog kennel and cat trap will be bought for use by the animal control officer/municipal employees. Next month’s regular meeting dates were changed to April 4 and 18.

Finances: Council agreed to purchase a used colour monitor from RM of Riding Mountain West for $750; the type of security camera to be purchased was discussed. Mid-West Arts Council was given a $500 donation. The 2017 statutory levy for assessment services is $52,216, down from last year’s $52,325. The 10 per cent gravel road grant was approved. Accounts of $69,443.85 and unpaid invoices of$112,924.05 were passed for payment.

Riverdale Municipality, March 14: Arena Manager Laura Gillingham reviewed the budget for Riverdale Community Centre. Laura will take on economic development officer duties as part of her position. Rubber flooring around the perimeter of the far east change room will be removed to see if it will provide better heating to the change room; matting is currently interfering with the in-floor heating. Public works urban foreman Jeff Worth will review other landfills to get ideas on how to best utilize the 50-yard  roll off containers (household garbage) at our landfill. An application to subdivide 23.82 acres from NE 14-12-22, Wiens, was approved. The Frontier permit tile drainage application was tabled. A request to provision for education on zebra mussels will be submitted as part of the draft management plan for Rivers Provincial Park. A bylaw to close a portion of municipal road passed first reading. A bylaw to establish a rate for collection of garbage and recycling passed first reading. A bylaw to provide for police protection in Rivers passed first reading.