Brandon author to read new novel at Neepawa Library


By Miranda Leybourne

The Neepawa Banner

After a health setback in October, Brandon author Craig Russell is ready to bring some local literature to the Neepawa Public Library this April.

Before suffering a heart attack in the fall, the published author of two novels had planned to do a reading from his book Fragment, and a question and answer session at the library on Oct. 27 of last year. Now, he’s excited for another chance to bring readers into his exciting, fast-paced fictional world.

Fragment, a scientific thriller about a looming ecological disaster, takes place in the cold isolation of Antarctica, and involves a colourful cast of characters. 

“Glaciers in Antarctica avalanche and they push the Ross ice sheet, which is an incredibly huge thing, it’s the size of France -- out into the ocean and then of course, the ocean currents start moving it,” Russell explains. 

While convalescing, Russell had lots of good news to cheer him to recovery: the second edition of his first book, Black Bottle Man, has recently been released, and Fragment received a positive review from the American magazine Analog.

The reading will happen at 5:30 at the Neepawa Public Library on April 20.