Heart and Stroke campaign looking for volunteers


By Jean Borchardt

Neepawa Heart and Stroke

The Neepawa Heart and Stroke Campaign still needs volunteers to come forward and help out, by sitting at a table at the Neepawa Gladstone Co-op gathering donations and providing information to help people learn the signs of strokes. 

The following dates are available so please consider helping. Call Jean Borchardt on her cell, 1-306-726-7596 or Pauline Zygadlo at 204-476-3162. Pauline has graciously offered to help get names of people willing to give of their time to get the information out. Here are the dates still available:

• Feb. 9: 10-2 and 4-6.

• Feb. 10: 10-2 and 2-4.

• Feb. 16: 10-2, 2-4, 4-6.

• Feb 17: 10-2 and 2-4.

• Feb 21: all times available. 

• Feb 23: 2-4.

• Feb 24: 10-2 and 2-4.

• Feb. 28: 10-2 and 2-4 

I'd appreciate if you can help me out with any of these days. Words can't be found to say thank you to those who have already come forth to help this worthwhile cause.