Waiting for a ride



Recycling across Neepawa remained uncollected on Monday, Jan. 2 at 3:30 p.m. The recycling that was left out was collected 

Press staff

The Neepawa Press/Neepawa Banner

UPDATE: 10:18 am

On Tuesday, Jan. 3 this update was released from the Town Office regarding changes to Garbage and Recycling Days: 

All addresses west of and including Mountain Avenue are Zone 1 with Recycling picked up on Tuesdays and Garbage picked up on Wednesdays.All addresses East of Mountain will be Zone 2 with Recycling picked up on Thursdays and Garbage picked up on Fridays. This will begin immediately, including today for Zone 1. See website or attached for map & details, posting by end of day. Thank you and we apologize for any confusion during the transition. 


On Monday, Jan. 2, Neepawa residents were left wondering what was going on with Monday’s regularly scheduled recycling collection. As of 2:12 p.m., The Town of Neepawa posted a message on its facebook page that  garbage and recycling collection would occur later in the week, due to the transition with the new contractor. The previous contact with TAC Ventures ended on Dec. 31 and a new contract with Souris-based MWM Environmental was in place effective Jan. 1.

In talking about the reason for the change, Neepawa Mayor Adrian de Groot said MWM offered the widest variety of options as the town is considering a number of options, including doing collection work themselves, “Based on that conversation, we didn’t want to misguide anybody who would be tendering, in order to say ‘We’re going to be up front with you. We’re reviewing this right now, so we wanted a short term contract.’ We talked to our current contractor about those opportunities and [they] weren’t interested in discussing it. So then we thought, why don’t we go out to tender rather than just renew the contract, which traditionally has been done. We thought let’s check the marketplace,” stated de Groot. The local contractor in question, Jack Falk of TAC Ventures, said, “At no time did the Town talk to me about opportunities.” About the new contractor MWM, de Groot said, “[MWM] is a broad company, a global company. There is no doubt about it that they’ll be able to do [the job].”

MWM Environmental is actually not “a global company” as Mayor de Groot had stated, but a Manitoba company. According to its website, the Souris-based business has been serving southwestern Manitoba for over 20 years and currently serves 13 Manitoba municipalities.