Souris based company ready to take out the trash


By Eoin Devereux

The Neepawa Press/Neepawa Banner

The new company in charge of Neepawa’s garbage and recycling collection is looking forward to establishing itself within the community. MWM Environmental (formerly Municipal Waste Management Ltd) has been awarded the municipal contract for the next three years (2017-2019), with an option for a possible two year extension on the contract. The previous agreement with TAC Ventures, of Neepawa, expired on Dec. 31.

In a previous article (“New company taking over garbage collection,” Friday, Dec. 30 edition of the Neepawa Banner) Neepawa mayor Adrian de Groot said MWM Environmental offered the Town the widest variety of options at the best rate over a shorter term.

MWM Environmental general manager Tim Oliver stated via media release, that over the past few years, the Souris based company has established itself in a number of rural Manitoba communities and is looking forward to doing the same in Neepawa.

“We have grown rapidly in the last two years primarily by offering our fellow Manitobans a variety of state of the art services that they previously did not have access to, and by doing it at a very reasonable cost. Each new community that we’ve started working with has had a specific set of wants and needs and we’ve been diligent in customizing our services to match,” said Oliver. “These factors, combined with our commitment to hiring locally whenever possible and to supporting local businesses and charities, are the secret to our growth. We take pride in providing great service to our customers because they are also our neighbours, family and friends.”

As for concerns surrounding the out-of-town company not using area businesses for services such as vehicle repairs, Oliver stressed in the release that there is no reason to think that MWM Environmental will take as much as a dollar out of the local economy. 

“In fact, we estimate that the net effect to the local economy will be very much a positive, in part because having more than one service provider available typically drives down the cost of services like waste removal, which benefits everyone,” Oliver said. “We also rely heavily on local businesses for mechanic work, fuel and all the supplies related to the work we do."

Oliver also noted that they have already hired two full-time Neepawa residents to operate their equipment and perform the work as required in the contract and that they’re in the process of seeking a local shop from which to operate their trucks and equipment. It’s expected that search will be completed within the coming weeks.