Natural playground opens in Onanole



Photos by John Drinkwater.

After five years of planning and fundraising, a natural playground was unveiled at Onanole Elementary School (OES) on Oct. 24. The OES Parent Group Playground Committee oversaw the project, choosing to create a nature-based area for children.

There is a term called “nature deficit disorder”, which was coined by author Richard Louv in his book, titled Last Child in the Woods. He links the mental, physical and spiritual health of children to their association with nature– children who spend less time outdoors may be subject to behavioural problems. The new play area in Onanole includes boulders, logs, stumps and hills and is the first of its kind in the Rolling River School Division. Appreciation should be given to the more than 150 individuals, community groups and business owners who provided their support. The new play space including slides and boulders (above) and a climbing wall (right).