My Neepawa - The Arcade


What’s “Your Neepawa”? We’re asking readers to share with us their pictures of past and present Neepawa. 

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Photos courtesy of Court Brooker. Court’s grandfather owned the Arcade, when it was a theatre. This photo shows a band performing in the Arcade, sometime between 1935 and 1940.

These photos came from former Neepawa resident Court Booker, who now lives in Qualicum Beach, British Columbia. Photos of the demolition of the former Murray’s Garage and McLaughlin GM building brought back memories of his late father, who bought all of his vehicles at that dealership. His dad operated Brooker’s Tea Room on Mountain Ave. for eight years.



Court’s father also played in bands with Vic Murray, who played trumpet. Here’s one picture of the band (from left): Al Galimore, Al Brooker, Vic Murray, unknown, Bruce Pedlar and Emerson Townsend at the Neepawa Arcade. (If anyone knows the name of this unknown player, please contact the Press office at 204-476-3401 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ).

Note: The original article mistakenly identified Vic Murray as Gerald Murray.