4-H Rodeo Report - Mar. 11, 2016


By Justin McKee

Club Reporter

Rapid City 4-H Rodeo Club organized a ceramics making workshop at Fun Time Pottery in Brandon; we invited members from Rapid City 4-H Beef Club to join us. We had a fun evening painting either a cup or a plate with the 4-H logo, and enjoyed a pizza party afterwards. Everyone who attended got to keep their finished piece of ceramics to use at home.

Several members attended the Camp Wannakumbac winter camping adventure. We stayed over at the camp for two nights and took part in outdoor activities such as cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, tobogganing and GPS orienteering, plus movies and an evening bonfire. It was a fun weekend spent with members from several different clubs.

This time of year is always busy as members prepare for 4-H communications. All members in our club gave either a speech or a visual; results for our club competition are: public speaking, adult, Charlee McLaughlin-Ventnor with Young Farmers Face Big Challenges; senior, Daisy McKee first, Along the Way, Haillee Addison second, Real Beauty and Leeza Miller third, Up, Up and Away; intermediate, Kirsty Miller, The Giraffe Sheep; junior, Justin McKee first, I Am a Plowman and Madison Robins second, Big Brothers – the Good and the Bad; cloverbud, Jessica Wright, The Best Weekend Ever; intermediate visual, Lauren McKee, From My Kitchen to Yours; junior visual, Katie Wright, Thursday Night Fun; cloverbud visual, Rhett Robins, Skylanders. Our presentations were judged by Jodi Hrymak and Hali Finlay; we are grateful they spent the evening with us. We finished off the night with refreshments and snacks.