A princess lives in Oak River


By Sheila Runions


For the past two months Strathclair Drama Club members have been meeting once or twice a week to memorize lines/music, learn choreography/staging and try on costumes. There are another two months of rehearsals ahead for the 37-member cast; five actors live within the coverage area of Rivers Banner while even more have connections to this area.

This year’s musical is Once Upon a Mattress, a comedic spoof of the classic fairytale, The Princess and the Pea. The princess in our production is Erin Brown, who debuted on the Bend Theatre stage last year. 

Erin, or Winnifred, comes to the unhappy kingdom of King Sextimus and Queen Aggravain. The King has been struck dumb by a witch's curse and is condemned not to speak again until "the mouse devours the hawk.” The Queen has assumed power — and she talks enough for the entire royal household! She has decreed, “Throughout the land no one may wed ’til Dauntless to the altar’s led.” 

Dauntless is their son and the only heir to the throne. Queen Aggravain has managed to sabotage every princess who comes along. When Sir Harry and Lady Larken learn they are going to be parents — wed or not! — Harry goes to the swamps and brings back Princess Winnifred. Dauntless and Winnifred make a delightful connection and fall in love. The queen is horrified! 

With the help of her trusted confident, the Wizard, they immediately begin to devise a test that will ensure the failure of yet another princess. Fortunately Winnifred — with some help from Harry, Sextimus and Jester — isn’t going to be quite so easy to get rid of!

This year’s leading lady (princess) is from Oak River; her opponent (Queen) is Andrea Playter of Minnedosa. Terry Radcliffe of Cardale is the hilarious mute king; his son Connor Radcliffe, also of Cardale, is the devious Wizard. Terry was on stage in 2015, 2013 and 2011 but Connor’s only other production in Strathclair was three years ago. Prince Dauntless comes to life through the acting of Minnedosa’s Josh Butler; Eric Menzies of Shoal Lake is the Jester. Dylan Woodcock of Brandon plays Sir Harry while Lady Larken is Dylan’s real-life girlfriend, Brittany MacDonald of Shoal Lake (formerly of Rivers). The Once Upon a Mattress story is told by a Minstrel — Stan Runions of Rivers. Stage veterans Sheila Runions of Rivers, Dana Outhwaite of Brandon (formerly Dana MacDonald of Rivers) and Louise McInnes of Minnedosa (formerly Louise Kingdon of Oak River) will join the chorus this year. Debuting this year as a chorus member is Kerry Fast of Brandon; the son of Dick and Gladys Fast spent his childhood in Rivers and on a farm near Rapid City. 

The 34th annual musical is directed by Janice Dalton of Minnedosa; Dylan Woodcock is the music director. Brittany and Dana have once again agreed to choreograph the dance numbers; Sheila handles the administration and acts as producer. Neil Gamey of Strathclair accepted the role of orchestrate director and Shirley Martin of Rapid City and her son Duncan, who now lives in Brandon, will fill the pit with other musicians to provide live music. Husband/dad Chris Martin will co-ordinate spotlights and all kinds of illumination for this year’s production, which will be  April 18-23. Tickets will be on sale in early April; please watch this newspaper for advertising or refer to a poster in your town for more details on ticket sales.