Looking back - 1975: Neepawa recognized as ‘most beautiful town in Manitoba’



Photo courtesy of Cecil Pittman archives. This photo, taken between 1984 and 1999, shows Shirley’s  Dress shop, located at the corner of Hamilton St. and Mountain Ave. 

By Cecil Pittman

The Neepawa Press

80 years ago, Friday November 15, 1935:

A gold medal on which was engraved “Junior Champion High Jump, 1935” has been received by Miss Florence Merriman as a reward for her fine performance at Winnipeg last spring. Some time ago, she received a medal from the Dominion Association for placing second in her competitions in Montreal. 

70 years ago, Thursday November 15, 1945:

Neepawa Victory Loan unit number 23 went over the top in the ninth loan last Saturday afternoon, and up until Tuesday at noon, 1,726 buyers had purchased $628,250 in bonds out of a set quota of $475,000 for 2,000 buyers. Not all points have been heard from and it is expected and hoped that both sales and buyers will be increased. Two firms in Neepawa secured V-flags, C.I.L. and Swift Canadian. The salt plant had a quota of $11,800 and received $13,000.

R. H. Scott, at Eden, repeated his fine work by collecting the most money of any rural district. Tuesday morning Bob, had only a few hundred dollars short of $50,000 from one township and Eden village. It is expected that he will reach and pass that figure. Best in the percentage of buyers is Mountain Road, who doubled their quota.

60 years ago, Thursday November 17, 1955:

Earl Murray of Neepawa was elected president of the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce during the Wednesday afternoon’s session on the convention being held here. Mr. Murray has had an active part in all business and community affairs and is director of the Canadian Chambers of Commerce and served as vice-president of the national organization during the 1954-55 term. He served as president of the Wasagaming Chamber of Commerce and the Neepawa Chamber of Commerce two years respectively and has been a member as executive of the local chamber of commerce for several years.

50 years ago, Tuesday November 16, 1965:

Neepawa water lovers will have a first class beach close to home next year, thanks to the efforts of the hard working committee set up to develop Lake Irwin as a centennial project. 

In recent weeks, a good deal of work has been accomplished at the lake site, and the appearance of the area should be considerably changed by next year.

About 500 yards of fine sand have been brought in, dumped and spread around the beach, which is located on the west side of the lake adjacent to the dam. More gravel will be dumped on the ice, forming a proper bottom next spring. 

Long range plans call for extensive development at the lake site.

40 years ago, Thursday November 25, 1975:

The Shay Drewry Trophy was awarded recently to the town of Neepawa as the  “most beautiful town in Manitoba”. It is the seventh time Neepawa has won the trophy since its inception by the Manitoba Good Roads Association in 1939.

30 years ago, Thursday November 21, 1985:

The Viscount Cultural Council is studying a proposal to purchase the former home of famous author Margaret Laurence. 

Dorothy Campbell, former president of the VCC, said the cultural organization was approached by the Neepawa Area Development Corporation in July.

She said NADCO was interested in purchasing and restoring the “Simpson” home, now owned by Mrs. Muriel MacKenzie at 312 First Street.

NADCO “said they were interested in developing the house as a heritage site, and a tourist attraction, and that perhaps the VCC would consider using it as a cultural center as well”, explained Campbell.

20 years ago, Monday November 21, 1995:

Two Neepawa men were recognized for their D-Day contribution to Canada’s war effort at a November 11 Remembrance Day ceremony in Winnipeg.

Seventy-six-year-old Bill Dimmery and 79-year-old Ralph Kilburn were among 23 surviving members of the Royal Winnipeg Rifles to receive Battle of Normandy medals.

The medals were presented to those who were unable to take part in the 50th anniversary pilgrimage to Europe last year. Forty-eight members of their regiment received their medals overseas.

Dimmery and Kilburn were young men in their twenties when they landed with the Royal Winnipeg Rifles Company D at Normandy, France on June 6, 1944.

10 years ago, Monday November 21, 2005:

Manitoba’s Agriculture minister says her government remains “committed” to its promise to re-staff Neepawa’s Ag Office.

But just when this will happen remains unclear. 

“What we have said is we have met with council and said we’re reorganizing the department to provide the best delivery [of services] to rural Manitoba,” Rosann Wowchuk said. “We will move forward.”

However, Wowchuk said the government won’t be moving forward until a series of public consultations are held in the Neepawa area, possibly this spring.

She also said she believes Neepawa is being well-served without an Ag Rep at the helm.