Quorum present, meeting held


By Sheila Runions

Banner Staff

Less than one-third of its current membership attended the recent meeting of Rivers and District Chamber of Commerce, but at least those 10 members present at the May 27 gathering constituted a quorum.

The April meeting was cancelled because only three members came to Lee’s Restaurant at noon. Perhaps learning of these numbers will encourage you to attend the June 17 meeting to help the organization enact its mission statement: to encour­age growth in Rivers and dis­trict by sup­port­ing our existing busi­nesses and to encour­age new businesses.

President Ken Tait reported Riverdale Municipality has accommodated our request for funding in its 2015 budget. The money will be used to update our signs on Highways 10, 24 and 1. It was agreed to make more brochures with 2015 events and distribute them at Rivers Provincial Park and Riverbend Discovery Centre in Brandon. Heather Gray is co-ordinating the town-wide yard sale on Saturday, June 13. She has 100 followers on Facebook for the event which has 12 sales registered (as of May 26) in Rivers, plus a Chimo Resort-wide sale. 

An information item was shared by Dave Falkevitch that Rivers and Area Game and Fish Association is holding its spring fishing derby on Saturday, June 20. It will be run from Jake Fast Park on the south side of Lake Wahtopanah from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. He encouraged businesses to set up display tables there to add to the action of the day.