Adopt a Grandpa a grand success



(L to R) Contest winners Gerrard Ballad, Allison Aglangao, Sidney Poettcker and Katya Ivanetz.

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson
Last week, one of Hazel M Kellington (HMK) Elementary School’s popular programs wound up for the year with some fun, ice cream and presentations. The Adopt a Grandparent program pairs Grade 5 students with residents at Country Meadows Personal Care Home to take part in activities and interact.  The school’s 85 students are split into two groups, with each visiting Country Meadows once a month. Grade 5 teacher Sylvie Tomoniko praised the program, saying, “It’s a beautiful experience.” She said that the students seem to really like the program and ask when they are next going to Country Meadows. She added that many of the newcomers like interacting with the residents, as it reminds them of their grandparents, who live far away. 
Tomoniko said that the program also offers a cultural exchange, helping newcomers, and those born here, to learn about the area and its history.
The wind up also involved presenting awards from a contest in which students drew a picture and talked about their favourite part of the program. The contest, which is new for this year, was sponsored by resident Paul Molloy who let the winners pick a book to purchase. In their write ups, the students overwhelmingly talked about their favourite parts being learning some history and listening to the residents talk about their lives. They also appreciate the residents’ friendship.
Winners of the contest were Gerrard Ballad, Allison Aglangao, Sidney Poettcker and Katya Ivanetz.