Using the resolution as a tool for change


By Dianne Kowalchuk


One of the many benefits of belonging to Women’s Institute is the ability to influence government through the use of the resolution. Manitoba Women’s Institute (MWI) has a long history of advocacy on topics ranging from safety on the farm to child care to the training of rural doctors.Each year members across the province are invited to submit resolutions to be discussed and voted on at the provincial convention held annually in the spring. Rivers WI takes an active part in this process. 

The branch had submitted a resolution asking that the federal government ban the sale of restricted semi-automatic weapons. This resolution was accepted by the Resolutions Committee but disallowed by the MWI board. It was suggested that the topic was far too complicated to be dealt with by our organization. It is indeed a complicated issue, but it is a pity that we were not allowed to have a discussion on the subject.Opinions vary; indeed even members of Rivers WI are not all of the same mind!


There are still six resolutions to be debated at the provincial convention. Rivers WI members, under the direction of president Arenda Van Der Deen, discussed these at the April meeting held at Westwood Lodge. The resolutions deal with a variety of topics: antibiotic resistant organisms, non-recyclable material used for packaging, digital mammography, long load signs, violence against aboriginal women, and daylight savings time. The debate was lively at the Rivers meeting, but as usual, there were many questions. Those in attendance at the convention will be listening carefully to get the answers to some of those questions. It’s all part of the learning experience that is called “WI.”  Yvonne Gustafson will be the official delegate from Rivers WI to the provincial convention to be held May 8 and 9 in Winnipeg. 


Rivers WI was very pleased with the success of the wellness day held on April 11; they were also very happy to provide the muffins and cookies. Four members attended a regional convention held at Basswood on April 15. At that time, Arenda was installed as regional representative from the Southwest A board to the provincial board. 


The next meeting is coming up soon. Rivers WI will meet again on May 1 at the home of Helen Stewart; she is going to teach us about quilting. It should be a fun time! Guests are always welcome.