Weed Notes - Apr. 30


By Sid Lewis


This will be my last column as supervisor for Midwest Weed District. It has certainly been enjoyable for me, since 1979, writing about weedy topics practically every week. I would be very vain and arrogant to think everyone agreed with everything I said in each column; in fact, the absolute opposite was sometimes the norm.

In 2004 when RM of Daly joined the district, it wasn’t too long afterwards that a local activist in that municipality took me to task on an issue to “bring me down to earth.” After a couple of back and forth letters to the editor between us in Rivers Banner, a number of readers told me they looked forward to reading my column. One person phrased it, “As The Stomach Turns” soap opera. 

Every so often for a few years, this exchange between us occurred and although I was advised not to respond to the challenges, there was too much Scottish heritage in me to listen. One year the softer side of me sent a Christmas card as a “token to work together for a common goal with our differences aside.” Two days later when I sat down at my desk, there was a Freedom of Information request for my whole year’s spray application activities — not the way I envisioned the result!

Right in the local home area, if I ever made a questionable statement, my “chief critic” would come forward at the next coffee break to take me to task. 

Whenever I mentioned something about Terry, a number of women readers would at times tell me they felt sorry for Terry and what would be different if I was under their roof. I totally agreed that if I wasn’t married to a girl with such a large amount of tolerance, my days on earth — or worse still, parts of my anatomy! — could have been shortened somewhat. All these people are just some of the items which added interest to this job.

I am planning to write a book on my years of experiences and with good luck, in 2016 will have it published. If any reader so wishes, they may contact me at that time to confirm when it will be printed and how much it will cost.

I look forward to retirement on Thursday, April 30 and wish the best for whoever fills this position. Thank you readers for all the kind words you have given me over the 36 years and four months I have held this position. Terry tells me if I behave myself for a stipulated time, she will grant me day passes so I can go to all the coffee shops I stopped at over the years, and visit. I look forward to those times to keep in touch with all the friends I made during the time on this career. I may even stop at the activist’s home in the old Daly municipality, who knows?!

If you have any questions or concerns for Midwest Weed District please phone 204-764-2617.