Observation - September 29, 2017


Addy Oberlin
The Neepawa Banner

Since I moved to Manitoba, September has been one of my favorite months of the year. The bugs have disappeared, except maybe for the odd fly. The mornings and evenings are cool, but the days are mostly bright and sunny.

The farmers look with pride as their bins are filling up with grain and the fields are covered with hay bales. The gardeners take pleasure in securing their produce for the winter and see their counters filled with their canning.

We know the days are getting shorter and the cozy evening are coming quickly. We can now start our winter projects. In Manitoba we hear the geese departing for their winter accommodations and there is nothing more beautiful than watching the sun go down and to see the Northern lights appear. We can honestly say that we live in a beautiful part of the world and be thankful to God for His creation. There is much tragedy around us but through this all” let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts …. and be thankful” (Colossians 3:15).