Observation - Oct. 30, 2015

By Addy Oberlin

The Neepawa Banner

Do not forget to change your clock this weekend! A reminder again that we are falling back into the winter months. Clocks are an important part of my life. We have many of them in our home. The ticking of a clock has a calming effect and the sound of it every hour brings back memories. I am also a person who likes to be on time for appointments, or maybe even early.

Read more: Observation - Oct. 30, 2015

Homebodies - Balance between purpose and play

By Rita Friesen

The Neepawa Banner

It almost never happens, but the other morning, I slept in. Really slept in. The dogs and I had made ourselves comfortable around six thirty, and the plan was to laze about, dreamily for a little longer. Nine forty-five is a little longer! Probably didn’t help that it had been a busy several days and I had been up till midnight baking cookies! (Why that late? That’s when I had time to do it!) The morning espresso had seldom tasted better.

Read more: Homebodies - Balance between purpose and play

My perspective - Changes on the horizon

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

The Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

It’s been less than a century since the discovery of antibiotics revolutionized modern medicine. Today, the debate about antibiotics, particularly their use in livestock destined for human consumption, is again at the forefront.  

Read more: My perspective - Changes on the horizon

Right in the centre - It never ends

By Ken Waddell

The Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

Is there no sanity or accountability in our country? 

Read more: Right in the centre - It never ends

Homebodies - The conversation was animated

By Rita Friesen

The Neepawa Banner

As we drove along the country roads, the topic drifted and shifted. Several times one of our party of four would say – google that. We all vowed to do just that when we arrived home.

Read more: Homebodies - The conversation was animated