Right in the centre - Change is good

By Ken Waddell

The Neepawa Banner

In an article titled “Why clinging to tradition hasn’t worked for Nunavut”, Yule Schmidt writes, “The territory and its people should abandon their efforts to artificially keep alive a traditional way of life that no longer exists. Henceforth, the territory should embrace modernity, which will strengthen Inuit society, and in turn strengthen and protect Inuit culture. In short, a more modern Nunavut is the path to a society in which the Inuit do not merely survive, but thrive.”

Read more: Right in the centre - Change is good

Sir John A. Macdonald's bicentennial is here

Arthur Milnes

For better or for worse, Canadians have traditionally not done a very good job in honouring our heroes, particularly past political leaders. Unlike our American and British cousins, and peoples in many other nations, we have been collectively hesitant to do so. Until now that is. 

Read more: Sir John A. Macdonald's bicentennial is here

Faithfully Yours - We may never know "why?"

By Neil Strohschein

The year 2014 ended in a way that the citizens of Edmonton, Alta. will never forget.

Read more: Faithfully Yours - We may never know "why?"

Homebodies - Words describe life and memories

By Rita Friesen

twaddle- verb; to talk foolishly. Twaddler –noun; one that twaddles. May also be spelled twattle. I love onomatopoeia, words that sound like there meaning.

Read more: Homebodies - Words describe life and memories

Not so silent E - The ice isn't always cleaner on the other side

By Eoin Devereux

The Neepawa Banner 

The holiday season is usually the time of the year when people will overspend on big ticket items and argue with their loved ones about it. It seems as though municipalities are the same way with town council in Minnedosa recently voting in favour of taking out a $3.5-million debenture to assist in the construction a new recreational facility. The total price for phase one of the arena development, according to the most recent feasibility study, is estimated at around $9.3-million. 


Read more: Not so silent E - The ice isn't always cleaner on the other side