Working the harvest fields



Photo by Micah Waddell
Brandt grain cart taking a load of grain off of a John Deere combine on the go.

While harvest is far from over, early indications suggest that 2017 will be a good year for farmers in the Neepawa area, and although there were some showers on the weekend in Brandon and surrounding areas, most of the south west got little to no rain during the past week. The dry weather and above average temperature conditions gave producers a chance to continue harvest without major interruption. 

Amir Farooq, Farm Production Extension Specialist with Manitoba Agriculture says that winter wheat and fall rye harvesting is done with average yield and good quality this year. Spring cereals harvesting is under way in Manitoba, 20 per cent of spring wheat harvesting is done with a 65-70 bu/ac yield and quality is good, with little to no fusarium levels, barley is 40 per cent done, with yields being reported at 80-90 bu/ac with good quality and test weight. Thirty per cent of the oats have also been harvested, with yields up to 100-110 bu/ac. Flax is maturing with no major issues.

Canola crops are looking good at this stage, very little harvest has been completed with no yield reports and 50 per cent of the canola is being swathed. Soybean crops are varying, different varieties and areas are responding in different ways, moisture is also a major factor this year. Specifically, areas that received good and timely moisture have very a promising crop, with good plant height and full pods. The majority of the crops are at the R6 stage.  Most of the desiccated peas have been harvested, with a 55-60 bu/acre yield.  There are still some fields that need to be done. Corn is at the grain filling stage, and there are some reports of black birds in the corn.

 Pasture conditions remain at the average, while a second cut of alfalfa is to be harvested, with yields varying from average to above average. Green feed silage continues to be harvested, with average to above average yields being reported.  Water levels in dugouts are approximately 60 per cent full.

There are some reports of spraying for bertha armyworm in the Minnedosa and Sandy Lake areas, flea beetles are also emerging again, but levels are very low. Sclerotinia and black leg are also at low levels this year. Soybean aphids are no longer a problem in the area.