Weed Notes: Nov 7.


By Sid Lewis


As with many other areas within the municipalities of Midwest Weed District, I can see some changes in parts of this career. I thought I would share in this column some of the predictions I see coming in the future.

1. There will be huge advances in the use of computer technology in the roadside sprayers and the functions they provide.

2. An increase in weed resistance in many plants, and science scrambling to catch up in products registered to use to control the weeds.

3. Various companies will register products that will be more concentrated, to reduce amounts applied for weed control and leave less of an imprint on the soil, etc.

 4. After a few years of the Cosmetic Spray Ban, government will see the boondoggle they created with huge areas of uncontrolled weed growth and, as with the gun control system, they will drop the ban and go back to allowing use of products that work.

5. A Grade 12 education won’t be adequate enough to do all areas of this career.

6. With amalgamation being a few years old, RMs will have to hire a foreman to manage all areas within the municipal system, the weed district being under his/her wing and with a staff of up to three to implement the weed/brush management program.

7. With rural populations dwindling more and more, city dwellers, even though not aware of what happens past the perimeter, will be the people who dictate what rules/regulations all agricultural sectors will have to adhere to in the daily operations.

These are just some of the changes I foresee and, I want to point out these are my theories only, not necessarily those of the local weed board. If you do have any questions for Midwest Weed District regarding these prophecies or any other matters, please phone 204-764-2128.